Athos type pinscher nain 7 ans non lof

Athos type pinscher nain 7 ans non lof Athos type pinscher nain 7 ans non lofAthos est un pinscher nain de 7 ans qui est actuellement en pension dans le 49, où il attend vivement une famille qui saura lui offrir de l'amour et des moments de douceur.Ok chat, ok chien/chienne non dominantIl pèse moins de 5 kgsPour connaisseurs de la race !A adopter 100€ pucé id 250269400056836 vacciné castré vermifugé pipette puces tiquesSay hello to Athos, a Pincher cross born 01/04/2005 Vaccinated, castrated and microchipped 250269400056836, weighing in a a grand 4 kilos, this lovely little chap is good with cats and other dogs. Athos is exceptionally friendly and non aggressive, he is house-trained and would be good company for a single person living alone. Athos is in Dept. 49. There is no adoption fee but a donation would be greatly appreciated to help Orfee continue rescuing needy animals.

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